I started listening to audio books recently, and have been enjoying it quite a bit. My library uses Overdrive to lend books and audio books, so I downloaded the app and use it to listen to the audiobooks. I'm "reading" things that I had never read before, and I'm having to do it a bit more thoroughly than normal. I'm a skimmer, but with this, obviously, I can't really skim.
The boys and I went to the local community building where, on Thursday mornings, they have a free parent and tot play time. They throw out some toys and balls in the gym and the kids can run and play. We were the only ones there yesterday, but it was still a lot of fun.
Dominic came in yesterday while I was trying to make the bed and fold laundry. He was less than helpful.
We did not get the major cold that everyone else did, I mean it got colder than it has so far this Winter, but nothing like they were getting in the Polar Vortex. Nonetheless, the boys and I have been spending a good part of the days (read: all.day.long) inside. Primarily this is because they hate to wear coats or anything, and so they can't really handle being outside for very long. Today though, the sun was shining this morning and I took the boys out for a while. I was trying to teach Dominic how to throw snowballs.
I decided not to buy Diet Mtn Dew for the house anymore. I need to drink a lot more water, so if I don't have any pop in the house I figure I will do a bit better with regards to that. It's only the first day, but i miss it already. This will be hard.
I decided to make Jason start the Insanity program again with me. My plan is to still get up in the morning and do my cardio at the gym, then in the evening, after the boys are in bed, doing the Insanity workout. So far this week I have not made it up at all to go to the gym. I'm not sure why, I barely notice my alarm going off in the morning. Tomorrow is a new day right? Anyway, Jason and I were both cursing my "bright" idea of doing Insanity last night. It definitely kicked our butts. In a good way. I think???
Jason and I have been playing Chess in the evenings too. I haven't beaten Jason yet, but I'm certain it's just a matter of time. ;-) I have managed to put him in Check a few times and the other night I even tricked him into letting me get my queen back! That was a good moment for me!
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