Wednesday, January 28, 2015

New Year Questions

Beth Anne tagged me in this fun post! I'm not going to tag people, because I don't know that many bloggers! we go!!


Four names that people call me:
1. Jeanine
2. Momma
3. Wife
4. Mrs. Spano

Four jobs I have had:
1. Physical Therapist Assistant
2. Accounts Payable Clerk
3. Rehab Aide
4. Shoe Sales-person

Four movies I have seen more than once:
1. Princess Bride
2. Tangled
3. MegaMind

Four books I’d recommend: 
1. Wheel of Time series
2. Redemption of Althalus
3. Navarre Study Bible
4. The Count of Monte Cristo

Four Places I’ve Lived:
1. Evans, CO
2. Lamar, CO
3. Garden City, KS
4. Las Animas, CO

Four Places I Have Been:
1. Rome, Italy
2. Florence, Italy
3. New York City, NY
4. Chicago, IL 

Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now:
1. Asleep
2. Rome, Italy
3. Anywhere where we could all be together as a family without my husband being stressed about work.
4. Disneyland

Four Things I Don’t Eat:
1. Mushrooms
2. Olives
3. Most fishy fishes
4. Cashews

Four of My Favorite Foods:
1. Anything Mexican
2. Steak
3. Baked potatoes
4. Bacon

Four Things I’m Looking Forward to This Year:
1. Starting Christopher's speech and occupational therapy
2. Vacation!
3. Losing weight/getting healthy (if I say it enough it might be true right!)
4. Doing school with the boys

Four Things I’m Saying:
1. "'Your turn bud!' Mater I can't I don't even have a horn' 'baby' 'I'm not a baby'"
2. Please don't step on your brother's head (to either boy at various times)
3. What does an elephant say?
4. Lord, please help me be a better mother

Four People I’m tagging:

That was fun!

I have lots of posts in my brain, that I hope to get down some time soon.


  1. That's random some of the other people I tagged don't like mushrooms or olives either. Thanks for tagging along!

  2. Have you ever read "The Scarlet Pimpernel" That's one of my favorite books, and if you liked "The Count of Mounte Cristo", I bet you'll like it, too.

  3. I can't believe you didn't list Jeamean for one of your names! Also, what's this vacation thing you are talking about? :-p
