It's been a while since I've participated with the ladies over at CatholicMom but let's be's not like I've posted with any regularity. I always feel better when I blog regularly, it's like an outlet I think.
1) We made it to two different playgroups this week. We went to the gym for the romp around yesterday, and today we went to the community building for the free parent and tot play time. We got there right at the beginning, and nobody showed up for an hour, so Christopher was almost done by the time that other kids got there.
2) I've started some one-on-one down on their level play time. I have a tendency to put on a movie or even let the boys play on their own for long periods of time. Which is great, I'm glad they can entertain themselves, but since we are not able to do a real pre-school curriculum with Dominic right now it's best to get in some learning play. And this week it has gone well. Dominic is letting me read to him, and is often doing searches in the pictures. Christopher is pointing and building blocks with me.
3) Even though I'm spending more time one on one with the boys, my house is pretty clean-ish. I mean, let's be real...I'm never going to win any awards for housekeeping. But I kept feeling like I had to sacrifice one for the other. I could have a clean-ish house or play with the boys. But that hasn't proven true this week.
Head over and check out everyone else's Small Successes!
It's hard when they're little to play at their level, it takes mental discipline, because we don't find catch or trains or balls or blocks as fascinating as they do. I know it's hard for me. So these small successes, they're huge.