Friday, April 19, 2013

7 Quick Takes (Vol 7)

Grace is hosting this week so go on over and link up.


As almost everyone else, I've been following the tragedies in Boston, Texas, and the trial of the tragedies that abortionist Kermitt Gosnell perpetuated. It's been a sad week. Amidst that I find myself feeling disconnected spiritually and I know I have to reconnect somehow. It would be good to spend some time in front of the crucifix and with the Blessed Sacrament. I wish we had an Adoration chapel here and if you do you, you are blessed.


On a much lighter note. We are still working on getting the boys to stay asleep all night in their own beds. Alone. I know if we just stuck to it a few nights they would...but man they usually wake up when I'm so tired!


It is finally nice out today (woke to snow yesterday and it's 60+ today) so we went to the park. We didn't get to stay long because there were kids there who were eating watermelon and throwing the rinds in the rocks and Christopher is certain that means it is a snack for him.


I'm not a particularly hovering parent at the park...I try to stay near where the boys are in case Dominic needs help going up a ladder (he can do one ladder but the others have too big of first steps) or Christopher decides he can fly off the edge. But in general the boys just play. But I don't get parents that get out and watch but don't intervene until it's too late or at weird times. Yes, dad who bolts across the playground to stop older boy from spinning younger boy around in swing but ignores me asking your son not to hug the baby quite so hard, I'm talking to you.


Speaking of the hugging boy. I'm leary of asking because I don't want to come off keep in mind if I'm rude it's ignorance. The overly hugging boy has downs syndrome. He is very sweet and very loving but seems to have no boundaries. I am wondering if this is part of his (general, I know no specifics) diagnosis or if he just hasn't been taught proper behavior. He will run up to my boys and hug and kiss them usually stopping their progress or play. Dominic is usually okay with it but today he was getting annoyed because he's been inside all week long. I told the boy "thank you for being so loving, but I think he wants to run now". Because I was afraid Dominic would shove or pinch or bite. Christopher doesn't like people who are not Jason or me touching him in most cases so he gets angry easily. I tried to ask him to please leave C alone but he ignored me. As did his dad who was less than 3 feet away. Can kids with DS learn appropriate boundaries and he just hasn't? Or am I unrealistic in what I think is appropriate? Please comment and educate me as I have zero experience with downs syndrome on any level.


I'm so sad Google is shutting down reader. I loved that app so much. I think I've found a good replacement and in some ways it's better. Feedly will link up with your Google reader account so it can follow the blogs you had there easily. But the best thing is that you can comment on posts within the app! You have to click on "visit website" but it stays in the app doesn't open a browser tab and you can save or share or whatever very easily from right there!


I'm trying to convince Jason that we should rip up the carpet and fix the hardwood floors that are down there but he isn't going for it. He thinks I'll hate it because just learning to walk babies will hurt themselves and because it will be cold. Tell me do you have or hate?


  1. Definitely rip up the carpet! We have hardwood throughout the house, except the finished basement and we LOVE it.

    Our children learned to walk on hard flooring and neither of them got hurt. They are short, so they don't fall far when they fall. Children are more likely to get hurt from other things, like jumping on furniture.

    The best benefit of hard flooring is that you never have to worry about bodily fluids on the carpet. Need I say more?

  2. I'd say fix the hardwood. We've lived in homes with both and we LOVE wood. We ripped our carpets out and put down laminate (can't afford hardwood). No matter the flooring, kids still fall down and get hurt. We've not had any major disasters on the wood.

    As for DS, it's hard to generalize, but usually DS kids are very loving and like to give hugs. I don't think it's out of bounds, though, to expect a parent to guide any child to stop something that is making others uncomfortable.

  3. I keep telling him that! I'll talk him into it...eventually. ;-)

  4. Thanks for the input JBJ! I thought that he should be able to learn boundaries, but like I said I have no experience. All three of these kids are unruly, so maybe it's a parenting thing.
