One year ago today Jason and I were joined in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.
This has been a crazy, wonderful year. 5 days after our wedding we left on our honeymoon to Rome for 4 days and then on a 10 day Mediterranean cruise with Catholic Answers. It was amazing and we are so thankful that we had the opportunity to go. Someday I'll have to do a post just about our trip with pictures and explanations of the many wonderful places we had an opportunity to see. When we returned from the cruise real life happened and I started a PTA job in Garden City, KS. This left me living in Garden City during the week and coming home on the weekends. Initially I also came home mid-week but the next awesome part of our year hit and made that difficult. Towards the end of October we found out that we were expecting our first little one. The kumquat. I continued to work in Garden City until April when we decided it was just too difficult to be away from each other, especially with the difficulties I had during my pregnancy. You can read more about THOSE in earlier blog posts.
Through all of this Jason and I were learning how to be married. Jason had a hard time transitioning from bachelor-hood to husband-hood; mostly in the drinking-out-of-the-milk jug and eating out of the PB jar realm! ;-) To this day if you're offered milk or PB you might want to ask for a fresh jug/jar! :) But, he truly is an amazing husband. It's amazing to be loved so much by someone and to witness sacrifices. He has also taken on the role of Spiritual Head of Household fully and he leads our family in our prayer life. This has been kind of thrown for a loop since Dominic's birth, but we're slowly getting back to our normal routine. He is an awesome daddy and loves holding and taking care of Dominic. When he gets home from work Dominic is in his arms until bedtime. It's wonderful!
For me, this has been a year of learning. Learning to be a wife, learning to be a stay-at-home wife and learning to be a mom. There has definitely been some learning curves for me. It's humbling to think of how often I thought that I would keep an immaculate house, because I would "just" be home, and what else would I do?! Well, once reality set in it was obvious that isn't as easy to do as one would think. The day can really get away from you! Hopefully, we will begin to see some routine in that area soon too! ;-)
[caption id="attachment_305" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="1 Year Later Jason, Dominic, and me"]
So, 1 year later finds us ridiculously happy, amazingly blessed, and parents. How awesome. And I mean that in the "awe-inspiring" kind of way. You can't understand what it's like to be a parent until you are one. I never realized that. I thought I understood so much about parenting. I didn't expect to want him to sleep in our room let alone our bed. I didn't know that I could love such a tiny little person as much as I do. And I couldn't expect that watching my husband be a dad could make me fall more in love with him.
Happy Anniversary to the love of my life. I'm looking forward to the next 100 years! :-D
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